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Travel John Disposable Urinal

SKU INV66893

Travel John Disposable Urinal INV66893
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Travel John Disposable Urinal INV66893Travel John Disposable Urinal for Men or Women
Your Price $8.95
The TravelJohn Disposable Urinal is the civilized solution.  Anytime!  Anywhere!

You will find the TravelJohn Disposable Urinal to be a "must have" item for both home and travel use. The design and flexibility of this product make it an ideal choice for both men and women. You will be able to use the product with ease if you are confined to the bed, a wheelchair or if you have limited mobility. The TravelJohn is also the perfect companion item for a shopping trip or long distance travel if frequent urination is an issue and/or you are unable to find a sanitary restroom in a timely fashion.  

Standard Features:
Revolutionary "bag within a bag design"
Non-toxic,odorless,spill proof gel. It instantly gels after absorption of liquid thus making it leak-proof!
No closure needed
Waste disposal safe, simply throw away
Small and light weight
Reusable untill it is full
LIQSORB® super absorbent polymer pouch included
Volume indicator included
Unisex plastic collar for easy handling
Dimensions (Each Bag)
     Unfolded: 5" x 11"
     Folded: 2" x 2" x 5"
Volume(Max):28 oz.(800 c.c)
Weight: 1.5 oz.before use
  Comes in a package of three

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